So nice of them to send me a carriage over to send me over for some medicine.

And also to xxx, and to return some mails, and xxx.

There was a funeral today again, didnt notice until tpk (chulia street) pointed to me.

The other world always make me laugh

With their small notes.

Normally to tell me about things.

This time it says ‘Chirashi, no prawns. Transition.’

Am i really going there!

Thought of going alone though. Because after that i will be too full to eat anything.

If only i can stomach the chirashi bowl and he truffle beef bowl.


Richie: What are you going to do, how are you going to live when I am not here?

That is so true.

And its only 2 months.

A friend of mine recently went to India with her husband……

And she dreamt of me.

Its so unexpected, well, what are the odds? People hardly dream about me.

And as for this friend, its quite magical, because, well, i dont know why, i know what the whole conversation is when she sums up in a few words, strangely, i understood.

Well, her dream was dreaming of me hugging a big snake, smiling happily.

Snake in dreams means earth energy and transition.

Being in the transition for about 2 months, this is the second time that i am reminded that i am in a transition.



And about the office, as in the office on earth.

Well…. I know lots of people have asked me to be careful. But well… i dont want to care so much, i am just a rah-rah person in the office, I try to maintain good relationship now and then, after all, i see them more than my friends leh! 8 hours a day! Told my colleagues that i find our team an organised hell. I might get into trouble for saying this. Someone might bao toh to my boss. Hahahahaha. Its ok. Its really how i feel. I’ve seen people / colleagues quarrelled like mad, like as if they are enemies, but i’ve also seen another side of them, who really care about each other when things happen. Who says all smiles are a positive environment?

And zero conflicts is the worse case scenario. Well, just saying. I am still pretty blessed. Found a few colleagues that i can just rah it out. While people move on to different groups, wow, that i understand completely man!


Thanks for inviting me to your wedding, even though we are worlds apart, miles apart.

Thanks for arranging it at the same place where we said it would be held at.

And thanks for helping me in this life, as promised 500 years ago.

And all 10 of us are in that promise.

Do you think we will stay together? And meet again as a group?

Thanks for being so shocked after hearing my story, i am still the usual-on-the-rollercoaster-ride, even if i am back, terrorizing everyone or maybe i will be toned down after staying awhile here.

I complained about how tired i am after every weddings i attended at the other side, but yours well, we have a pact.


Thanks for reminding me how blessed i am.


The transition is happening at a correct timing, which reminds me of my work here and there.

I no longer jumped around in the other world like a crazy girl, took longer walks in the garden, no disguise as the maids will dress me up and i allow them now, for the time being. Else to ask me to sit still for an hour is craziness.

The job on earth, happy is an understatement. Its not about whether i am happy or not anymore, i am okay with the job, not that its not challenging. It is with some parts of the work, i miss being a coordinator. Really, because its so challenging that i wish i would die straight away. Here.. its a different kind of challenge.

At the end of the day, friends from another side have been reminding me how blessed i am. Especially Richie who said what will i do without him, how will i survive, without him. He really made me take him for granted. And he could tell that even though i accept him, i will not have any relationship feelings for him even though he finds me very warm and very funny. And our time will never come. Still, we’ll see how. See how the story unfolds.

Its not comparing, its memories.

Something took place in office yesterday which makes me think about OR…

In OR, even IF you are outcasted, you will still have friends  LOL, because all the outcasts will eventually be in a group. Its not that different cliques want to outcast them though… And somehow well, when its your birthday, there will be at least 1 person who will buy you a cake and sing for you, even if its not a cake, there will still be singing involved i think?

So… its the youngest girl birthday.. people here are not bonded.. despite working for so many years together.. and i wonder how did we get so bonded in OR.. so much that those that are not retrenched, quit too, and we are always eating together, even when some of us are not eating, we go out as a group.

And although there are VERY OBVIOUS cliques, we still hang out sometimes, together, and we still holler at each other whenever. And its always so funny.

Back to the story, a friend of this birthday girl sent a cake to her to the office (something that i will totally do, but NOT A WHOLE CAKE, just a slice, because i am kiam siap like that, and my piece of cake is normally a quality aka damm-expensive-slice-of-cake-so-no-sharing-with-all-your-colleagues-its-only-for-you. And she hmm offered to the office.

Well… in OR.. somehow.. we get so excited when we know its someone’s bday. And we’ll sing. I miss OR so much. Not the organization, but the bond that we had. How did we have it? Some of us are less than 6 months in there. I dont think i’ll ever get such working environment again.

Anyway you know me, i will surely get something for the birthday person if i can afford the time and money to travel to the place to buy a-something. Its not something expensive. I am happy that it made her morning. And no, i didnt sing her a song either. Hahahaha! Not close mah!

Quarrelled maximus.

Ray blocked all channels, any sort of thoughts yesterday while he was around. I think he wants undivided attention.

As usual, we quarrelled. No compromises made this time. There was one middle man though, not one of our brothers, but someone else.

Did it solve it? Not really.

We quarrelled alot, as if there’s an earthquake but we still love each other la. SO MUCH. Both of us can be very 嘴硬 i think.

And then i went to sleep alone.

I miss the times when we always made up during breakfast. Somehow the rest of the brothers will always make us sit together and he has no choice but to help me with my breakfast and i have no choice but to feel thankful LOL. And then i will talk to him the most randomest things.




‘We haven’t hang out for a long time is it? What’s all these that you have been watching? And your list of songs are somehow changed. Who intro you ah. Who tells you the drama titles ah. What have i been missing out.’

‘You have no strength to close the milo tin?!’

‘I help you la! Alamak! Have you been eating or not!’

That’s my Ray.

I forgot how tall he is when he’s standing next to me. After all, i’ve always been the tallest among people, but when someone tall stands next to me, it feels different.

Want to say more but i think i will stop here, because the rest are censored. Can only tell to one person, i have no idea who, the time will come when its ripe i think.



9,10,11,12 – 8.37am

If i told Richie, i think he will laugh his head off with me.

Ray frowned and asked what is his little sister up to again, always up to something, hardly stop.


Bottomline, i did eat ok. But hmm… i have a little bit of trouble opening and closing things. Ok, not enough food.


This morning came back at 5am+. Woke up on the bed at the other side and there werent anyone in the room, went out, took the express door and came home. Then i woke up in a shock on earth again, i think i almost jumped out of bed – because i thought i was late for work. There werent any familiar faces in my room too – except 2 soldiers on duty. I think i shock them. Then i realised its only 5am+ GAH!


‘You are thinking too much.’

This sentence is overrated.

Ever since the incident that haunted me for 5+ years.

That dead body case.

It no longer haunt me now, but i can still remember the exact spot.

Although i might not be able to do anything at that moment, but after 3 friends told me i was thinking too much, i couldnt sleep until the person has committed suicide.

Which, explains now. I dont even need to think and…. whoever who channelled with me, came right away. Just like whatsapp.


Ray: You feel happier when you can write down things right? Keeping things in check?

That’s right! He’s the one who doesnt allow me to blog for a week, and more to come i think.


I am truly touched. Someone channelled with me during early afternoon. I almost dropped my pencil on the table. I just feel he wont remember me, after all, i am so tiny, my level is so not even there. He sent his regards and i updated him with the news, and he nearly fell off his xxx. I am not giving anymore hope, because what if its false, but i told him the same thing as i told the local ones. I will be back to visit if it ever come true. I will bring the idiot. That’s 2 at one go.

He even remember that A.P.C conversation! omg!! So stalker! – because i dont even know?!

People always ask me how i remember the smallest details. Its not me lah. Its mostly the ‘friends’ who was with me and they talked to me every now and then about it. But the A.P.C convo was epic. At the same time, ITS SO REAL.


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