
I was totally gone for 30mins. Its scary of how gone i was. Almost look like i was under attack and i was holding back to stay alive.

Guessed who came. Wah. Wasnt someone i expected.

The kiddo’s close friend and my advisor, and of course Max, 3 of them arrived at the same time from different directions and the kiddo’s friend was more shocked than ever.

But all i could say was ‘WAIT. LET ME SLEEP. I WILL BE BACK.’

Max didnt wait. He told me something and he left, which made the kiddo’s friend even more shocked.

The advisor part 2

‘Hey you want to test your gift? I found a way. Go instagram, there’s something you ought to see.’

Me: NOW?

‘You are not eating breakfast, and not dong work, yes now. Take your phone and reply some messages.’

Me: Okay, instagram see what.

‘Scroll and you will see superman’s son. And you will be able to test your gift to know you are at the right track.’

Then i saw, he start to lift weights. Well, yes the gift is in line. He was a passerby, though we were a little close before. Then he went back to the bitch that i will never forget who caused so much trouble but i am so glad i am out of the drama.

Me: Got it, you want to tell me he’s a passerby and not a friend right? Then why did i even help his dad?!

‘Its your job, my dear. You have to accept it. When it comes to your job, you have to accept that the person is NOT your friend, even though they feel that they owe you in some way or the other and tries to be close, but when things happened, they go back to their roots. You are not meant to be friends with him. You have to accept that.’

Me: No, you know i cannot accept that despite knowing that cb is a cb, he rather helps a cb. This is what i cannot accept.

‘Its time to let go. I know you have alot of pain. But today, lets just let him go. I know you have let him go, but not totally, his name is still in your book. Dont think about him anymore. Or his dad. Or to look for his dad. If he ever ask you about his dad, dont even reply or tell him you dont know.’

Me: But why would anyone help a cb?! Its like digging a hole and jumping in! Seriously?! Wow, its the same as two faced as i knew initially!

‘Okay, take it that he did returned the favor. Remember the lychee friend you have? Maybe you were there to save his dad and he’s there to save you, since you dont trust people easily. He’s the easiest access to make you trust another. My explaination is not the best, but it will suit your thoughts. Somehow, he’s back to a stranger, dont think about the past. Or the things you guys talked about before.’

Me: He is very 2 faced can.

‘Then isnt it better that he’s gone. If not you are going to worry when he will betray you again. Isnt it?’

Me: Why is my life full of betrayals.

‘Do you want tea? Or please, eat something. It has been 2 hours since you got back. I know it disrupts your sleep cycle, eat something please, we will do some work and buy something for Gina okay? Oh my goodness! You are in full grey today! Last night was bad ah. Knowing and accepting is different. You got to learn, kid.’

Me: Can you accompany me today?

‘The 3 guards are coming later. You are not alone.

Me: Can i request for some sun?

‘Okay, i try.’




The advisor

He visited me yesterday. Normally he only visits me when major things happened.

But i never knew the kiddo is considered as one too. I was a little surprised to see him. Seeing him means serious business and he knows it too.

He told me something about our short temper. I totally understand what he is saying. And i know he is 1000% right about it.

Actually whenever he decides to speak, it does make alot of sense. Its not about being tactful, but its a fact. He is absolutely right about i can do something about his short temper, or mine. But to start with his is easier.

I think i looked at him a little too calmly yesterday, at noon. That he knows i am aware of it, but somehow i didnt use it.

A: Other than you, there is nobody else who has that gift, you know?

Me: …….

A: And you are aware that irs a bigger challenge than trying to cut off any strings.

Me: What if the thing goes bonkers.

A: We dont have to worry about that, do we? You know perfectly well how. When you are free, do something about it. Didnt you ask for a challenge? And accepting some jobs in hell, that’s not a challenge anymore. Yes you get worried about your life so you wont think about him, but how about going through a real challenge instead.

Me: …………. why are you here.

A: Its time. Dongbin would agree you know. You are better than you think although 99.9% of the time you dont think so. And didnt that kid ask you to put your gifts into good use? Its major use. Okay?

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After Ad saw D and my conversation, of me deciding to stay in the office instead of walking around aimlessly because i dont even feel like walking around… 5 friends appeared.

Super fast service leh. They are worried that i get bored and just in case i need someone to talk to.

Something to occupy my mind so that i wouldnt be so bothered by xxx.

Plus, before Richie went home, he found me a dress for the wedding. I am all set! Even the bag. Omg. He really….. take care of every detail.

Although i did find the bag a little small, but its an interesting one.

Plus the necklace too…

Macham my wedding? LOL!

I MISS YOU RICHIE!! – Well, if you happen to see this.

Went out with JT till quite late, and then late for work last night. Though it doesnt really matter, its not like i have a fixed schedule anyway. But A was hurrying me to get to sleep so that we can go right away. We missed the train as well, but then again, it doesnt matter as i told A, since when do we have to use the train? We always have other ways to get to the destination. Then he realised he’s not at his usual work scope, but rather an unpredictable one with a horribly unexpected person.

I also know that its not him who volunteered to stay with me. Its very difficult to find someone whose very willing to stay, all except Richie. Even A was surprised that Richie handled me single hand, with no help from anyone at all. And he guessed that perhaps Richie did have the heart, very sincere and which i will listen.

After all, i am the prank queen in the other world LOL, terrorise everyone. A asked me too.. where am i working now.. and am i terrorising people there. If i am not, means i am not my usual self.

A said that the brothers wouldnt look for him if there is no other choice, he’s the last person, last resort my brothers will go to. The butler cannot be here with me, but channel can be opened, in case i need anything, and i am prone to accidents, so in a way, to keep me safe. A and I dont really get along. After all, i have full of pranks in my head while he’s the very serious kind. We dont get along at all actually. But he has been an A for so long, and somehow more or less, the brothers and A, know that i will give him face and not prank him too much.

But this morning… his answer is unexpected..

He sent me back at 430am as promised. I woke up at 6am, wanted to get to work. But Ray pulled me back and asked me to sleep till 630, because i shouldnt be waking up so early and getting sick later just because of a stupiak in the office. We argued for a quick 5mins and i went back to sleep, because he kept ‘taking out’ my thoughts-about-many-things. Yes i have many things bothering me. Ray is the one and only brother who has the power to fish out my thoughts or block out certain memories so that i wouldnt be affected so badly.

Ray: 我来照顾她吧。她没对你怎么样吧?

A: 昨晚,她跟我说了很多。 不过,我们那么久没见,她长大了!

Ray: 是吗?真的那么觉得?

A: 平时,她很坏,超喜欢作弄人,就为了好玩。现在,虽然是有目的,但她的目的都是好的,她也不管别人怎么误会她,她只要做完她的本分。不管怎么样,货还是得出。

Ray: 反正,不管怎么样,她还是有我们四个对吧?

A: 对呀。她还多了一个Richie呢!我觉得好意外。我没想到竟然有人能征服她。那段日子里,Richie 真的帮了一个很大的忙。

Ray: 是啊。你知道吗。。Richie 不能跟她一起进去,他竟然要在外头等她!

A: 外头有多冷!

Ray: 对。所以妹妹才那么的。。

A: 难怪Richie会问她是不是不喜欢他了!

Ray: 对!因为平时的她,不喜欢你就不会跟你开玩笑了。

A: She really has grown up. After 10 years of not seeing her, or maybe less than that, in human terms.

Ray: There’s only something you need to take note of.
